Buddha Patriot

A Classically Liberal Neoconservative Tibetan Buddhist from the Midwest

Saturday, January 12, 2013

So I'm half way through F.W. Mote's 1999 book Imperial China 900-1800 and I find this nugget, a mid-14th Century Chinese poet essentially bitching about Mongol gun-control:

Last year the edict forbidding us to ride horseback;
This year another edict saying we cannot carry a bow.
Yet we still hear about all those robbers who by the light of day
Ride their horses and shoot people on the empire's highway.

The footnote lists: Ne & Gaohua 1985, vol. 1 pp. 192-196 
...which is apparently: Yang Ne and Chen Gaohua, Yuandai nongmin zhanzheng shiliao huibian (Beijing, 1985) 4 vols.   
I'm assuming Volume 1 would have the poem in the original Chinese (which would be freaking awesome).


Blogger Renata said...

Hello Chris!

My name is Renata and I just recently came across your blog. You have some GREAT posts, including this one. I am also a Buddhist blogger, although most of my posts don't really touch on anything political.

But, as far as I can see, I do agree with your political views, and am happy to have found another Buddhist who does not embrace the "I am Buddhist, so I must also be a leftist" idea.

I look forward to reading your past posts (going on your 7th year- wow!) and of course your future ones!

All the best, and with Metta,


Wednesday, February 20, 2013  
Blogger Chris said...

Thank you for your kind comment, Renata. I'm glad you like a few of my posts, though I admit a lot of this ends up being just an excuse to vent (and in an "uncivil" manner, I fear).

Of course, I wouldn't (consciously) try to pressure other Buddhist bloggers to adopt "right-wing" views or post on political topics, but I guess I'd like many "western" Buddhists to consider focusing on the more traditional roots of their practice.

Thanks again for your encouragement!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013  
Blogger Mariam said...

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013  

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