Buddha Patriot

A Classically Liberal Neoconservative Tibetan Buddhist from the Midwest

Friday, March 09, 2007

Sushi Cult Alert!

from Christianity_Today:

The Chicago_Tribune has
a long, in-depth exposé of Unification Church head Sun Myung Moon's connection
to and control of the American sushi industry. Moon and his church "created an
enterprise that reaped millions of dollars by dominating one of America's
trendiest indulgences: sushi," the Tribune reports. "Adhering to a plan Moon
spelled out more than three decades ago in a series of sermons, members of his
movement managed to integrate virtually every facet of the highly competitive
seafood industry. The Moon followers' seafood operation is driven by a
commercial powerhouse, known as True World Group. It builds fleets of boats,
runs dozens of distribution centers and, each day, supplies most of the nation's
estimated 9,000 sushi restaurants." Even Christian restaurateurs who don't want
to support Moon—who calls himself "humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord,
and True Parent"—say they have to use his company if they want to serve sushi.

"Tensuke" is apparently one of Moon's front groups. I don't know if this_particular_restaurant is one of his businesses, but it definitely employs a couple of Moonie employees.

This apparently is a problem in Oregon, as well.

June 2nd Update: Yep, SeaRanch's_"Tensuke" in the downtown Minneapolis skyway really is a Moonie_front_group . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, the Moon front group list you linked to is old. The most up to date list can be found at Freedom of Mind's website here.

Saturday, June 02, 2007  

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